I help new and existing business owners with limited or no knowledge of an LLC learn how to set up the entity for themselves from the comfort of their own computer and at the same time gain an understanding of how to use it to keep more of their money in their pockets.
--Now that's a win-win
Additionally, with the information gained, they now have the capacity to create a new stream of income providing entity setup for those who would rather not DIY.
--Can you say "new income streams!"
So if 2020 is the year of action for you, let's get this done!
**Texas Filing Fee of $300 can be paid directly to the Secretary of State by debit/credit card within the course process.
Course Curriculum
- Lecture 1: Filing Fast in Texas (4:36)
- Lecture 2: Getting Your Credentials for Filing (9:42)
- Lecture 3: Understanding Business Entity Options (34:04)
- Lecture 4: S-Corporations - the most popular LLC Election (7:56)
- Lecture 5: Let's Get Your Entity Going - LLC Setup (18:37)
- Lecture 6: Set up your Tax ID Number with the IRS (20:12)
- Lecture 7: Next Steps - Build Your Business! (15:13)
Hi, I’m Kedra
Since 1996, Kedra Flowers, has been providing personalized professional accounting services in the Dallas area. With continued growth, her corporate structure has changed but her commitment to cultivating relationships surely hasn't. At Kedra A. Flowers CPA PC, we value the relationships we've built with our clients, colleagues and partners since that time. We go the extra mile to offer the custom-tailored insight, support, and guidance that you need and when necessary, do not hesitate to connect you with one of our professional partners.
Most of all, as a published author, college instructor and public speaker, Kedra Flowers has crafted her own unique delivery of tax seminars and staff training that keeps learning interesting. She goes beyond the academia and applies the interpersonal and personality dynamics necessary for any successful negotiator.
She brings novel insight to staff training and development to ensure that participants leave with a better understanding of their job functions.